
Research outcome including journal papers, conference papers and OSS (open-source software) are listed below.


Cao, Yu, Townsend, Nicholas and Tan, Mingyi (2017) Hybrid renewable energy system for ocean going platforms At OCEANS’17 MTS/IEEE, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. 19 - 22 Jun 2017. paper & talk


\(D^3 HRE\)

\(D^3 HRE\) (Data Driven Dynamic Hybrid Renewable Energy (D3HRE) is a software suite to study hybrid renewable energy system on moving platforms. This package enables the simulation, optimisation and management of spatial-temporal hybrid renewable energy system e.g. on ships, airballons and airplanes. DOI


PyResis is a Python semi-empirical ship propulsion resistance estimation package. Well documented and tested against some towing tank cases. DOI


Synthetic solar is a battery included synthetic hourly solar radiation generation tool. This package is able to generate hourly solar radiation at location with given latitude and longitude.